“Mirage” by Miranda Marie


Emma White knew she wouldn’t get a happily ever after. Even after Natan got them both out of his parents’ house and away from his manipulative sister, a warning hung in the back of her mind. Threatening their tentative peace with something she couldn’t name or define–a voice Natan insisted was only a ghost from her past.
He’s coming. Can you hear the footsteps?
But it wasn’t a ghost, and she didn’t react fast enough.
When Natan Silverman vanishes, leaving behind a wrecked, bloodied apartment, Emma knows who did it even before the call comes. A man she hoped she’d never hear from again, who she had prayed was dead. The one person on earth that she’s always feared more than she fears herself: the man who raised her. The weapon’s creator.
And now he’s taken Natan.
The choice she is given is simple: return to being her master’s weapon, or allow him to break Natan the same way he destroyed her. With the help of a bitter ex-soldier who seems more shadow than man, Emma attempts the impossible. She must outsmart the person that taught her how to be a hurricane.
The second and last installment of Miranda Marie’s 4.5 Star Rated Whispers of White Duology, Mirage is equal parts tragedy, poetry, and mystery. Exploring themes like PTSD, social anxiety, childhood abuse, and choosing your own path, it’s a must-read.

My Review
⭐⭐⭐ & ❤︎❤︎❤︎

3 stars & 3/10 hearts. I absolutely loved the first book in this series and was so excited for this book. For the first 1/4 it fulfilled my expectations. The writing was gorgeous. I loved Natan & Emma’s interaction (though he did get a little too touchy), and Tasha & Daniel’s. (I love Daniel). I already really, really liked Loban. All these things raise it to 3 stars. But when things began to happen, my love for this book began to wane. It became so dark and almost depressive—I had to go peek at the ending to make sure people would survive. The plot kept slamming me against brick walls and leaving me despairingly saying, “it’s all over now.” And I felt so betrayed by a certain character. Also, there was way too much hugging and touching (holding her face, brushing away her hair, tapping her cheek, etc.,), some flirting, and even a cheek kiss and some forehead kisses. And in the last part of the book there’s a scene where Emma is in a coma and Natan wants to keep an eye on her at night, so he lies down in the bed beside her. Cringe. And the whole ending did not end like I wanted it to. (I admit my ending was a little irrealistic, but it would have been so beautiful!) Also, there was simply no mention of Christ to lighten the dark. So all things considered, I was disappointed. I may like it better when I reread it though. And I definitely intend to read more of this author because I LOVED Echoes.

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Published by Katja H. Labonté

Hi! I’m Katja :) I’m a Christian, an extreme bibliophile who devours over 365 books in a year, and an exuberant writer with a talent for starting short stories that explode into book series. I am a bilingual French-Canadian and have about a dozen topics I'm excessively passionate about (hint: that’s why I write). I spend my days enjoying little things, growing in faith, learning life, and loving people. Welcome to my corner of the internet!

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