“Wormwood Abbey” by Christina Baehr

Blurb As a Victorian clergyman’s daughter, Edith Worms has seen everything — until a mythical salamander tumbles out of the fireplace into her lap. When a letter arrives from estranged relatives, Edith is swept away to a crumbling gothic Abbey in the wilds of Yorkshire.Wormwood Abbey isn’t just full of curious beasts and ancient familyContinue reading ““Wormwood Abbey” by Christina Baehr”

“George & the Dragonvine” by Amanda Kastner

Synopsis  George’s mother leaves him in charge of her garden. What could possibly go wrong?At first, George faithfully ties up the pole beans, checks for potato beetles, and picks the lettuce. Most importantly of all, he checks the dragonvine every day to release the tiny creatures growing inside its fruits. But one day George skipsContinue reading ““George & the Dragonvine” by Amanda Kastner”

“Wormwood Abbey” by Christina Baehr

Blurb As a Victorian clergyman’s daughter, Edith Worms has seen everything — until a mythical salamander tumbles out of the fireplace into her lap.When a letter arrives from estranged relatives, Edith is swept away to a crumbling gothic Abbey in the wilds of Yorkshire. Wormwood Abbey isn’t just full of curious beasts and ancient familyContinue reading ““Wormwood Abbey” by Christina Baehr”

“Born Royal” by Abigail Kay Harris

Blurb Born Royal brings the world of Bellatrix to life with the stark opening of the upcoming Born Royal series.The shadows tread before him, blood spilled by hands he once trusted, the expectations of life leaving a bitter taste in his mouth even as he followed the path set before him.Join the Salvador twins asContinue reading ““Born Royal” by Abigail Kay Harris”

“The Black Rose Collection” by Madisyn Carlin, Kristina Hall, Vanessa Hall, K.R. Mattson, M.L. Milligan, Kaytlin Phillips, & Saraina Whitney

Blurb Receiving a black rose is a death sentence.In these seven lands, receiving a black rose is a death sentence. When these perilous flowers endanger their lives, a spy must decide between freeing slaves or completing his mission, a huntress finds herself becoming the hunted, and two sets of mortal enemies are forced to workContinue reading ““The Black Rose Collection” by Madisyn Carlin, Kristina Hall, Vanessa Hall, K.R. Mattson, M.L. Milligan, Kaytlin Phillips, & Saraina Whitney”

“Mirage” by Miranda Marie

Synopsis  Emma White knew she wouldn’t get a happily ever after. Even after Natan got them both out of his parents’ house and away from his manipulative sister, a warning hung in the back of her mind. Threatening their tentative peace with something she couldn’t name or define–a voice Natan insisted was only a ghostContinue reading ““Mirage” by Miranda Marie”

“All You Ever Need” by Max Lucado

Synopsis  Imagine a land so dry that every drop of rain is like pure gold. And in the middle of this arid land there is a village filled with people who need more than just a few buckets of rainwater to survive. Fortunately for them, Tobias lives nearby. He owns the only wellspring in theContinue reading ““All You Ever Need” by Max Lucado”

“Measure for Measure” by William Shakespeare

Synopsis  Measure for Measure is among the most passionately discussed of Shakespeare’s plays. In it, a duke temporarily removes himself from governing his city-state, deputizing a member of his administration, Angelo, to enforce the laws more rigorously. Angelo chooses as his first victim Claudio, condemning him to death because he impregnated Juliet before their marriage.Claudio’sContinue reading ““Measure for Measure” by William Shakespeare”

“The Tempest” by William Shakespeare

Synopsis  For years, Prospero, sorcerer and overthrown Duke of Milan, and his daughter, Miranda, have been marooned on an island of magic, both good and evil. When a ship carrying his usurping brother sails within the realm of his power, Prospero unleashes a storm that leaves the crew washed ashore, separated, and vulnerable to hisContinue reading ““The Tempest” by William Shakespeare”

“When the Stars Shine Again” by Lucy Peterson

Synopsis At the dawn of time, there was said to be nothing but darkness.The same could be told of Ailnirha centuries later, now shrouded by the same Black Mist that has haunted the Countries since the beginning of time.One of many cursed by the Mist, Wren has always been an outcast. Scorned. Abandoned. Unwanted. ButContinue reading ““When the Stars Shine Again” by Lucy Peterson”

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