“The Pilgrim\’s Progress, Part I” by John Bunyan

The Pilgrim\’s Progress, Part I by John Bunyan Synopsis:  This famous story of man\’s progress through life in search of salvation remains one of the most entertaining allegories of faith ever written. Set against realistic backdrops of town and country, the powerful drama of the pilgrim\’s trials and temptations follows him in his harrowing journey toContinue reading ““The Pilgrim\’s Progress, Part I” by John Bunyan”

“Protecting the Poor” by Amanda Tero

Synopsis  Sheriff Feroci is now lord over the province, and Abtshire has become a pit of injustice. Being forced into the lord’s service does not give Dumphey as many opportunities to help the poor as he desires. When attempts on his life drive him into the forest, this freedom opens a world of possibilities forContinue reading ““Protecting the Poor” by Amanda Tero”

“The Secret Slipper” by Amanda Tero

The Secret Slipper  (Tales of Faith #2) by Amanda Tero Synopsis:  Being a cripple is only the beginning of Lia’s troubles. It seems as if Bioti’s goal in life is to make Lia as miserable as possible. If Lia’s purpose is to be a slave, then why did God make her a cripple? How can HeContinue reading ““The Secret Slipper” by Amanda Tero”

“Befriending the Beast” by Amanda Tero

Befriending the Beast  (Tales of Faith #1) by Amanda Tero Synopsis:  Belle has returned unannounced to the castle to restore her relationship with the king, her father. Her hopes are dashed with the devastating message: \”The king refuses to see you.\” Convinced that God has led her home, she is unwilling to return to Lord andContinue reading ““Befriending the Beast” by Amanda Tero”

“The Night Archers” by Kate Willis

Synopsis  A failed test. Ruined crops. Night archers.The war against the rebels rages, and Riverside’s famous cavalry is called to the King’s aid, leaving behind the women, children, and Gavynn.Gavynn knows why he was the only man left behind. Every day in the town is a painful reminder. But storms, sickness, and sudden danger threatenContinue reading ““The Night Archers” by Kate Willis”

“The Twin Arrows” by Kate Willis

Synopsis  Two children. Two journeys. Twin arrows.Ryla follows her father’s parting instructions as closely as she carries his gift. Her protectors are kind, and safety is certain inside the convent’s strong walls. But now she must leave and what lies ahead is uncertain…Her brother Drewin won’t wait any longer. The knight promised to escort himContinue reading ““The Twin Arrows” by Kate Willis”

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